‘Welcome to the Newbigin Resources website, dedicated to the life and work of Bishop J.E. Lesslie Newbigin (1909–1998). This is a new version of the Newbigin.net site which includes the full text of many of his writings, searchable by title, and downloadable as pdf files. It also includes (and will add as they become available) many of his audio lectures, and speeches. In addition, it gives access to a number of significant interactions with his thought.
We hope that you will find these resources helpful. If you have Newbigin tapes that you would be willing to share with us please would you consider sending them? Please contact us at newbiginresources@gmail.com with details, and we will advise on how to send the material.
New archive material (both written works and recordings) will be added as copyright permissions are granted.
This site is a partnership between Newbigin House of Studies USA and the Newbigin Centre Cambridge UK.
Newbigin’s work is divided into decades. If you don’t know the date of a particular work, its title can be found by entering significant words in the magnifying glass search box at the head of the webpage.
After opening an item a toolbar appears at top of the document when the cursor is hovered over the page:
- The up and down arrows navigate to the next or previous screen.
- The page number refers to the ‘screen’ page rather than the original published page numbers of the piece. These are indicated within the texts themselves under the Newbigin.net arrows. When page numbers do not occur the material was unpublished.
- The -/+ buttons increase the size of the text.
- The download arrow opens the pdf in a new browser window, enabling the full item to be downloaded as a pdf file to your computer using your browser’s “save as” function.
- The ‘four way’ arrow button makes the piece full-screen. (In full-screen the navigation toolbar moves to the foot of each screen.)
Full bibliographical information is given at the beginning of each item. The abbreviated forms (e.g., 89mcwc) refer to the entries in the bibliography of Newbigin’s work which can be accessed by navigating to the ‘Resources’ menu and selecting ‘Comprehensive Bibliography’ from the drop-down.
Please note that a CD version is no longer available.
If quoting — especially if the quote is central to your argument — please confirm the quote against the original where possible. Every effort was taken to provide an accurate record of the original publication but with the sheer volume of digitized material errors will occur, especially with punctuation